(Copyright 1992, 1997, All Rights Reserved)

Most of the names starting with Al-, Ar-, Cala-, Guad- and Medina are corrupted forms of Arabic names originally given to places, rivers, mountains and other natural features during the Muslim rule in Spain and Portugal. These names were later adopted in the Americas after the migration of Hispanic population to Florida, California, Mexico, Central and South Americas in 1500s and later centuries, following the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the continent. The Muslims of the Iberian peninsula are commonly known in the West as the 'Moors' and their period of activity between 711 - 1492 C.E. as the Moorish Civilization.
The table below shows names, their original Arabic names and the meaning.
Name |
Original Arabic Name |
Meaning |
Alhambra |
al-Hamara |
The Red |
Almaden |
al-Maydan |
The Field |
Alqazar |
al-Qasr |
The Palace |
Alcantara |
al-Qantarah |
The Bridge |
Almenara |
al-Manarah |
The Mosque Tower, English Minaret |
Alborg |
al-Burj |
The Tower |
Alcove |
al-Qubbah |
Dome |
Almansil |
al-Manzil |
The Stopping Place |
Alqueria |
al-Qariyah |
The Village |
Almeria |
al-Mirayah |
The Mirror |
Alpujarras |
al-Bajara |
The Highlands |
Calahorra |
Qalat al-Hajar |
Castle |
Guadalquivir |
Wadi al-Kabir |
Great River |
Guadalajara |
Wadi al-Hijarah |
Stony River |
Taifa |
Ta'ifah |
Party or Faction |
Andalusia |
al-Andalus |
Azulejo |
az-Zulayj |
Burnished Pebble |
Alcaids |
al-Qa'ids |
Warden |
mattress |
Matrah |
Sofa |
Suffah |
Pad |
Sherbet |
Sharbah |
Drink |
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E-Books on Islam and Muslims
Copyright © 1992, 1997 Dr. A. Zahoor
All Rights Reserved