Verses From The Glorious Qur'an

These selections from the Holy Qur'an present supplications made to Allah (swt) by the Angels, Prophets Abraham, Ismail, David, Jesus and their companions, the righteous, those who believe, those who are oppressed and ill treated, and by those who sincerely repent. The verses are quoted here in their context with associated supplication marked in green. These supplications are recited in Arabic (as revealed) according to the individual or collective circumstances of Muslims.

Men Who Celebrate the Praises of Allah
Qur'an 3:191-195 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth (with the thought): "Our
Lord! thou hast not created (all) this for nothing! Glory to thee! give us salvation from the penalty of the fire.
"Our Lord! any whom thou dost admit to the fire truly thou coverest with shame and never will wrong-doers find any helpers!.
"Our Lord! we have heard the call of one calling (us) to faith 'Believe ye in the Lord' and we have believed. Our Lord! forgive us our sins blot out from us our iniquities and take to thyself our souls in the company of the righteous.
"Our Lord! grant us what Thou didst promise unto us through thine Apostles and save us from shame on the Day of Judgment: for thou never breakest Thy promise."
And their Lord hath accepted of them and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you be he male or female: ye are members one of another; those who have left their homes or been driven out therefrom or suffered harm in My cause or fought or been slain verily I will blot out from them their iniquities and admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; a reward from the presence of Allah and from His presence is the best of rewards."

You Will See Their Eyes Overflowing with Tears
Qur'an 5:83-85 Surah Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread)
And when they listen to the revelation received by the Apostle thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses.
"What cause can we have not to believe in Allah and the truth which has come to us seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?"
And for this their prayer hath Allah rewarded them with gardens with rivers flowing underneath their eternal home. Such is the recompense of those who do good.

Jesus (pbuh) and His Disciples
Qur'an 3:52-54 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
When Jesus found unbelief on their part he said: "Who will be my helpers to (the work of) Allah?" Said the Disciples: "We are Allah's helpers we believe in Allah and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims.
"Our Lord! we believe in what thou hast revealed and we follow the Apostle; then write us down among those who bear witness."
And (then unbelievers) plotted and planned and Allah too planned and the best of planners is Allah.

The Righteous: We Have Indeed Believed
Qur'an 3:15-17 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
Say: shall I give you glad tidings of things far better than those? For the righteous are gardens in nearness to their Lord with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions
pure (and holy) and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants.
(Namely) those who say: "Our Lord! we have indeed believed: forgive us then our sins and save us from the agony of the fire."
Those who show patience firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of Allah); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning.

Those Who Are Firmly Grounded in Knowledge
Qur'an 3:7-9 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is
perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
"Our Lord!" (they say) "let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure.
"Our Lord! Thou art He that will gather mankind together against a day about which there is no doubt: for Allah never fails in His promise."

And There Are Men Who Say
Qur'an 2:200-202 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
So when ye have accomplished your holy rites celebrate the praises of Allah as ye used to celebrate the praises of your fathers yea with far more heart and soul. There are men who say: "Our Lord! give us (thy bounties) in this world!" but they will have no portion in the hereafter.
And there are men who say: "Our Lord! give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and defend us from the torment on the fire!"
To these will be allotted what they have earned and Allah is quick in account.

The Servants of Allah, Most Gracious, Are Those
Qur'an 25:63-76 Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion)
And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility and when the ignorant address them they say "Peace!"
Those who spend the night in adoration of their Lord prostrate and standing;
Those who say "Our Lord! avert from us the Wrath of Hell for its Wrath is indeed an affliction grievous
"Evil indeed is it as an abode and as a place to rest in";
Those who when they spend are not extravagant and not niggardly but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes);
Those who invoke not with Allah any other god nor slay such life as Allah has made sacred except for just cause not commit fornication and any that does this (not only) meets punishment
(But) the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to him and he will dwell therein in ignominy
Unless he repents believes and works righteous deeds for Allah will change the evil of such persons into good and Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful
And whoever repents and does good has truly turned to Allah with an (acceptable) conversion
Those who witness no falsehood and if they pass by futility they pass by it with honorable (avoidance);
Those who when they are admonished with the Signs of their Lord droop not down at them as if they were deaf or blind:
And those who pray "Our Lord! grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous."
Those are the ones who will be rewarded with the highest place in heaven because of their patient constancy; therein shall they be met with salutations and peace
Dwelling therein how beautiful an abode and place of rest!

Companions of the Cave, Youths Who Believed
Qur'an 18:9-16 Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave)
Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among Our Signs?
Behold the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!
Then We drew (a veil) over their ears for a number of years in the cave (so that they heard not):
Then We roused them in order to test which of the two parties was best at calculating the term of years they had tarried!
We relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord and We advanced them in guidance:
We gave strength to their hearts: Behold they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth: never shall we call upon any god other than Him: if we did; we should indeed have uttered an enormity!"
"These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against Allah?
"When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah betake yourselves to the Cave: your Lord will shower his mercies on you and dispose of your affair towards comfort and ease."

Godly Men Who Never Lost Heart
Qur'an 3:146-148 Surah Ale-'Imran (The Family of 'Imran)
How many of the Prophets fought (in Allah's way) and with them (fought) large bands of godly men? But they never lost heart if they met with disaster in Allah's way nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in. And Allah loves those who are firm and steadfast.
All that they said was: "Our Lord! forgive us our sins and anything we may have done that transgressed our duty; establish our feet firmly and help us against those that resist faith."
And Allah gave them a reward in this world and the excellent reward of the Hereafter. For Allah loveth those who do good.

Pour Out on Us Patience and Constancy
Qur'an 7:126 Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights)
"But thou dost wreak thy vengeance on us simply because we believed in the signs of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! pour out on us patience and constancy and take our souls unto thee as Muslims (who bow to thy will)"!

The Men of Faith
Qur'an 2:285-286 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
The Apostle believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His Apostles "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His Apostles." And they say: "We hear and we
obey; (We seek) Thy forgiveness Our Lord and to Thee is the end of all ourneys."
On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray): "Our Lord! condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against faith."

Those Who Being Weak Are Ill-treated and Oppressed
Qur'an 4:75-76 Surah An-Nisaa (The Women)
And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who being weak are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men women and children whose cry is: "Our Lord! rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from Thee one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help!"
Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil: so fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

Turn to Allah with Sincere Repentance
Qur'an 66:8 Surah At-Tahrim (Banning)
O ye who believe! turn to Allah with sincere repentance: in the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands while they say "Our Lord! perfect our Light for us and grant us Forgiveness; for Thou has power over all things."

Angels Implore Forgiveness for Those Who Believe
Qur'an 40:7-9 Surah Al-Mu'min (The Believer)
Those who sustain the Throne (of Allah) and those around it sing Glory and Praise to their Lord; believe in Him; and implore forgiveness for those who believe: "Our Lord! Thy reach is over all
things in Mercy and Knowledge. Forgive then those who turn in repentance and follow Thy Path: and preserve them from the Penalty of the Blazing Fire!
"And grant our Lord! That they enter the Gardens of Eternity which Thou hast promised to them and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their posterity! For Thou art (He) the Exalted in Might Full of Wisdom.
"And preserve them from (all) ills; and any whom thou dost preserve from ills that Day on them wilt Thou have bestowed Mercy indeed: and that will be truly (for them) the highest Achievement.

An Excellent Example to Follow in Abraham (pbuh)
Qur'an 60:4-6 Surah Al-Mumtahana (She That is to be Examined)
There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred forever unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone": But not when Abraham said to his father: "I will pray for forgiveness for thee though I have no power (to get) aught on thy behalf from Allah." (They prayed): "Our Lord! in Thee do we trust and to Thee do we turn in repentance: to Thee is (our) final Goal.
"Our Lord! Make us not a (test and) trial for the Unbelievers but forgive us our Lord! For Thou art the Exalted in Might the Wise."
There was indeed in them an excellent example for you to follow for those whose hope is in Allah and in the Last Day. But if any turn away truly Allah is Free of all Wants Worthy of all Praise.

Abraham and Isma'il (pbut): Accept this Service from Us
Qur'an 2:126-129 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
And remember Abraham said: "My Lord make this a City of Peace and feed its people with fruits such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said: "(Yea) and such as reject faith for a while will I grant them their pleasure but will soon drive them to the torment of fire an evil destination (indeed)!"
And remember Abraham and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House (with this prayer): "Our Lord! accept (this service) from us for thou art the All-Hearing the All-Knowing.
"Our Lord! make of us Muslims bowing to Thy (Will) and of our progeny a people Muslim bowing to Thy (Will) and show us our places for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning Most-Merciful.
"Our Lord! send amongst them an Apostle of their own who shall rehearse Thy Signs to them and instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom and sanctify them; for Thou art the Exalted in Might the Wise."

Supplication of Abraham for Isma'il (pbut)
Qur'an 14:37-41 Surah Ibrahim (Abraham)
"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation by thy Sacred House; in order O our Lord that they may establish regular prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them and feed them with Fruits: so that they may give thanks.
"O our Lord! truly Thou dost know what we conceal and what we reveal: for nothing whatever is hidden from Allah whether on earth or in heaven.
"Praise be to Allah who hath granted unto me in old age Ismail and Isaac: for truly my Lord is He
the Hearer of Prayer!
"O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer and also (raise such) among my offspring our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer.
"O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness me my parents and (all) Believers on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!"

David (pbuh) and His Companions
Qur'an 2:250-251 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
When they advanced to meet Goliath and his forces they prayed: "Our Lord! pour out constancy on us and make our steps firm; help us against those that reject faith."
By Allah's will they routed them: and David slew Goliath; and Allah gave him power and wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another the earth would indeed be full of mischief but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.

Adam and Eve (pbut): We Have Wronged Our Own Souls
Qur'an 7:22-23 Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights)
So by deceit he [satan, Iblis] brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree their shame became manifest to them and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that satan was an avowed enemy unto you?"
They said: "Our Lord! we have wronged our own souls: if Thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy mercy we shall certainly be lost."

Glory to Our Lord!
Qur'an 17:106-111 Surah Al-Israa (The Children of Israel)
(It is) a Qur'an which We have divided (into parts from time to time) in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages.
Say: "Whether ye believe in it or not it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand when it is recited to them fall down on their faces in humble prostration"
And say: "Glory to our Lord! truly has the promise of our Lord been fulfilled!"
They fall down on their faces in tears and it increases their (earnest) humility.
Say: "Call upon Allah or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud nor speak it in a low tone but seek a middle course between."
Say: "Praise be to Allah Who begets no son and has no partner in (His) dominion: nor (needs) He any to protect Him from humiliation: Yea magnify Him for His greatness and glory!"
Allah: Allah is the proper name in Arabic for The One and Only God, The Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It is used by the Arab Christians and Jews for the God ('Eloh-im' in Hebrew; 'Allaha' in Aramaic, the mother tongue of Jesus, pbuh). The word Allah does not have a plural or gender. Allah does not have any associate or partner, and He does not beget nor was He begotten. SWT is an abbreviation of Arabic words that mean 'Glory Be To Him.'
pbuh, pbut: Peace Be Upon Him, Them. This expression is used for all Prophets of Allah.
Those who wish to understand the specific and broader meaning of the verses of the Qur'an, it is recommended that they should also read commentary on these subjects and verses. The English readers will find either Yusuf Ali's or Maududi's commentaries a good source. Allama Yususf Ali presents the meaning Ayah (verse) by Ayah with detailed footnotes for relevant words in each verse and includes a detailed index of the topics mentioned in the Qur'an. Maulana Maududi's work covers commentary for each Surah (chapter) of the Holy Qur'an.
Pickthall writes in his foreward of 1930: "... The Qur'an cannot be translated. ... The book is here rendered almost literally and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is not the Glorious Qur'an, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of the Qur'an-and peradventure something of the charm in English. It can never take the place of the Qur'an in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so. ..."
"The Holy Qur'an," Text, Translation and Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, 1934. (Latest Publisher: Amana Publications, Beltsville, MD, USA; Title: "The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an," 1992). A pocket edition of Yusuf Ali's translation is also available in contemporary English.
"The Meaning of the Glorious Koran," An Explanatory Translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, a Mentor Book Publication. (Also available as: "The Meaning of the Glorious Koran," by Marmaduke Pickthall, Dorset Press, N.Y. and several Islamic book publishers; Published by several publishers since 1930). Note: The Mentor publication (451 MJ1529 195) contains a few errors/omissions, e.g., in Surah 72: the last part of Verse 2 should read "we ascribe no partner unto our Lord", and Surah 68: Verse 22 should read "straight" road instead of "beaten" road. In case of any doubt, the reader is advised to check with a copy from an Islamic publisher and also check with an Islamic scholar for the meaning directly from the Arabic original.

Compiled by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq, 1990, 1998.
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